Our DC/MD/VA Intergroup is completely volunteer run and we rotate service roles each March. As our March Intergroup meeting approaches (Saturday*, March 23, 3:25-4:40 pm, in-person at our spring retreat, or virtually via FreeConferenceCall.com), we hope all members who have been attending S-Anon meetings for a year or more will consider taking a service role at the Intergroup level. *edited 2.23 to correct the meeting day

What we do

Intergroup volunteers support the 13 regional family groups to carry the message to those who still suffer. We do this via monthly meetings and service boards to coordinate responses to email inquiries, phone inquiries and to maintain this regional website. Intergroup also launches retreats and Zoom series for S-Anon members and all-day marathons co-sponsored with SA, and provides scholarships to attend recovery events. We also help offset the costs for our WSO area delegates (currently only VA) to attend the International World Service Convention (the governing body of the S-Anon program). Historically, our Intergroup also spearheaded logistics for the WSC when it was held in Maryland. We also reach out to mental health professionals, recovery groups, institutions and other helping professionals to share about our program and help shorten the newcomer’s path to our meetings. All of these initiatives, programs and logistics require members willing to volunteer their gifts. This year we have many opportunities to get involved.

Open Intergroup Service Opportunities

Here are snapshots of each of the open positions. To read about each position in more detail, please review our Service Positions Descriptions document.


Works with Co-Chair to compile agenda and facilitate monthly meetings working towards consensus.


Takes notes of actions and decisions made and distributes minutes to group service representatives (GSRs).

Phone-Line Coordinator

Coordinates with local groups to retrieve and answer phone line messages daily, troubleshoots and serves as contact for GSRs and phone line volunteers

Where & When Coordinator

Serves as regional contact for any updates to the Where & When list of meetings.

Internet Communications Coordinator

Maintains the IG website and IG email accounts, working with service providers as needed.

Public Information & Outreach Coordinator

Assists local groups with their outreach efforts via PI&O materials provided by the WSO.

Willing to learn more?

Consider attending IG’s March Zoom on service or reading more about these roles in the Service Positions Descriptions document. Service sponsors are also available to share their experience, strength and hope with new trusted IG servants. Questions? Email info@dcmdvasanon.org

Ready to volunteer?

Share your interest with chair@dcmdvasanon.org prior to our March intergroup meeting so we can be ready to introduce you as a candidate for your desired position during the March meeting. Also, we will send you the information to attend the meeting virtually if you will not be in attendance at the spring retreat. Any positions not filled at the March meeting (Saturday*, March 23, 3:25-4:40 pm) will remain open until filled so while expressing your interest early is helpful, and maintains programming and logistics for our members and newcomers throughout the region, we will be happy to receive volunteers for any positions that remain open as your schedule permits. *edited 2.23 to correct the meeting day